Founded in May 2001, the Golden Gate Chapter of the Falcon Club of America
seeks to bring together owners of Ford's Falcon automobiles in the greater
San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
Our aim is not only preservation of these fun cars, but to get them out of
the garage and drive them as often as is reasonable.
Club History
History of the Golden Gate Chapter of the FCA
By Robert Snider
There was previously a chapter in this area known as the "Greater Bay Area Chapter". Its President, Brian Lukas informed me that it had been defunct for many years.
I began my efforts to organize a new chapter in 1996. I prepared flyers, placed advertisements, held meetings and periodically issued a newsletter. These efforts continued over a period of four years. Many people expressed an interest but were unwilling to support the effort.
By January 15, 2000 there were enough people to file a petition with the FCA for a new chapter. The "Golden Gate Chapter" petition included the eight (8) bay area counties: San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Santa Cruz and Monterey. The initial officers were Geoff Belleau, President, Alexander Gerrits, Vice President and Robert Snider, Secretary. The newsletter editors were Ken and Gayle Hamilton. The other members were Robert E. Wilson, Harry Bradley, Bob Erickson, Chris Watson, Al Aiello, Lyn Belleau and Robert Tarbox. The FCA chartered the chapter on May 29, 2001.
Brian Lukas contacted the last Secretary for the Greater Bayer Area chapter. There was a few hundred dollars left in their treasury. It was donated to the Golden Gate Chapter.